High School Counselors (9-12)

Rachel Meuchel
Grades 9-12 (Last names starting with A - L)
Email: rachel.meuchel@k12.nd.us
Phone: 701-444-3624

Seth Thoreson
Grades 9-12 (Last names starting with M-Z)
Email: seth.thoreson@k12.nd.us
Phone: 701-444-3624

Dawn King (Counseling Assistant)
Grades 9-12
Email: dawn.king@k12.nd.us
Phone: 701-444-3624
- High School Counselors (9-12)
- Middle School Counselor (6-8)
- Elementary School Counselors (K-5)
- Anti-Bullying Procedures and Report Forms
- College Campus Visit Excused Absent Form
- Compass by Golden Path Solutions
- Course Selection & Registration
- AP Exam Registration
- North Dakota State Assessment Information (opens in new window)
- Mental Health & Suicide Prevention Resources
- Scholarships & Financial Aid
- Transcript Requests
- FAFSA Workshop
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