Immunization Clinic

Upper Missouri District Health Unit will be hosting Influenza(Flu) & COVID Vaccination Clinics at each school. Vaccine consent forms are available below.
*This immunization requirement does not apply to those that sign the exemption waiver. If you wish to sign the exemption, please contact your child’s school.
See North Dakota Immunization Requirements for more information:
Upper Missouri District Health Unit: 701-444-3449
If your student is not up to date with their current vaccinations, they may be subject to exclusion from school. Please see below for further details:
Section 23-07-17.1 of North Dakota State Law mandates all students in kindergarten through grade twelve meet a minimum number of required immunizations prior to school entrance. Please be sure your child has met the minimum requirements. If you are claiming a medical or history of disease exemption, an exception form must be signed by a medical professional. Failure to comply with requirements by October 1st will result in exclusion of your child from school.
For any questions or concerns please contact a school district nurse, your primary care provider’s office, or Upper Missouri District Health Unit.
Vaccine Clinic Parent Letter
Vaccine Consent Form
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